Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Uber Rating System

Every time you finish an Uber ride, you give your driver a rating from one to five stars. Chances are you probably don't put a lot of thought into that rating, but for Uber drivers, it's crucial.
Uber uses driver ratings to create an average rating for each driver. And if a driver's rating slips below a certain amount, they're booted off Uber, left to either try other ridesharing services or change their job.
Uber's San Francisco office sent a guide to all of its drivers in 2014 that explained how the driver-rating system works, and how drivers can improve their scores. 
The document says that 4.6 is the important number when it comes to driver ratings. If a driver's rating is 4.6 or lower then Uber is going to start considering kicking that driver off the system. 

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